a.) Spot/projection welding, manually or with automatic feeding of mounting parts:
Here we manufacture assemblies for small and large batches by installing mounting parts such as bolts and/or nuts onto molded parts and/or plates. There are systems available that are rated up to 200 KvA.
b.) Spot welding using robots and special machines:
We work with rotary tables (H turners) on 6 systems with a working length of up to 2,400 mm. We use Kuka robots and spot-welding guns rated at 180 KvA.
c.) MIG/MAG and WIG welding:
On 9 systems, we mostly manufacture components for the commercial vehicle and agricultural machinery industry. Here we use rotary tables (H turners) and a turning/swiveling positioner with Kuka-brand welding robots that are up to 2,300 mm in width.
A special system is equipped with 2 welding robots and a rotary table. Frame components are welded here, which require simultaneous joining due to welding warpage.
Welding processes a.) and b.) can also be carried out manually